The contraversy on Abortion has been around for ever and ever. I have commented on this before, but I am choosing to do my editorial on the post by Abortion: A Hot Topic
This is a topic I like to not have with others. I take the chance that the conversation will turn to the ugly side. You never know what others may think and to try and get others to see your point or for them to argue their side is difficult.
Every woman should have the right to make this decision for themselves, which is what she chose to do. I don't condemn her or applaud her for her decision. The fact is, it was her decision. It was what was best for her at that time.
There are many reasons to have an abortion. I was a young unwed girl when I found out I was pregnant. The thought of having an abortion was crazy to me. I couldn't have imagined giving up the life I was carrying at that time. Would I do it differently knowing what I know now? Possibly. My son is the highlight of my life even 23 years later. But my son is not the product of a serious crime. But then you have to stop and think about the quality of life that the child is going to have when your pregnant by any way.
This cant be about religion or political views. This decision needs to be about the woman, the situation and the child. No one person can say what is best for any other person. You ask me what I think and I would tell you what I would possibly do. But again I am not the person facing the decision that needs to be made.
I want the right to choose for myself, and the government should not play a role in that decision. Doctors that help you make the choice should not be deemed as baby killers or murderers. They are only there to help not to hurt.
So before you judge others for their decisions on this, stop and think about what you would really do if you were put into their shoes.
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