Friday, December 14, 2012

The Sanctity of Marriage for All

This post is in response to Kelley Jura-Myrick's blog "Repealing DOMA".

I agree completely with her complete blog.  This is such a controversial argument in every state.  When did the world become such hypocrites in regards to who you can love and not love.  Everyone deserves happiness, peace and love in thier life.  Why does it have to be just between a man and woman.

God made us as we are. We are born into the person we are going to become, whether it be Gay/Lesbian or Heterosexual. I do not believe that he made us to be anything other than what we are. 

As we grow up we are influenced by so many things, that sometimes people do lose thier way and become people that we are not proud to be.

If we embrace these people as who they really are, maybe we would have less gay/lesbian bashing. Maybe we wouldn't have so many hate crimes against a peer group that just wants to live thier life just like we do.

I have many gay/lesbian friends, and have had them for years. They do not push their lifestyle on me and I don't push mine on them.  I have attended many marriages of these friends.  The sad part of that is that we have to travel to a different state just so that it could happen. The weddings were filled with just as much love and happiness as my own wedding.

It is a shame that congress wants to intercede into these lives, and dictate to them how to live their live. 
Congress needs to grant the gay/lesbian society the same rights as the rest of us.  They need the same benefits as the rest of us.  The sad part is they don't get them.  It should be equality for all across the board. It shouldn't matter that it is for two men or two women. Inmates on death row get better benefits and can marry and have children as long as the person is from the opposite sex.  And they shouldn't have any rights at all.

It is a shame the discrimination that I see my friends receive at the price of just being an individual and not like everyone else.  I love my gay/lesbian friends just as much as all my straight friends.  Truth be told, they are the ones that stand behind me without any "what's in it for me" attitudes.  I can always count on them in good times and bad.  I wouldn't give them up for anything.  And if I still have to travel to another state, or country, to watch them share in their love by getting married, I will do it and I will do it proudly.


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