With the past election, it really brought out both sides to the right of women to choose birth control or the right to have an abortion. I am a woman. I want the right to choose what is best for me and not for the government. I am not insane, declared mentally disabled or crazy, but the government feels that I am and can't make a conscious, rational decision when it comes to my body and my reproduction choices.
My mother, and her employee have both gone thru menopause. They have no need for birth control, or heaven forbid an abortion, but because of the new law passed by our wonderful old and new president, they have to have it. My mother has to provide this for her female employee and she has to get it. I couldn't imagine myself, much less my mother having any more children.
Why is our president so concerned about this? Does he not see the healthcare issues that are really at risk? My parents both are on Medicare, which is a joke. Both have to have supplemental private insurance as Medicare pays for next to nothing. What about all the people out their that need medication that can't afford it, to stay alive. The patients that have heart issues, diabetes, Parkinson's, Altzheimer's, or the one that hits close to home Cancer. My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer in September. The first place we called was the famous Cancer Treatment Centers of America. But because she has Medicare, they would not accept her, as she was told the government was not paying for Medicare claims at this time. So my mom has to look elsewhere for treatment. That is like saying "Sorry, we can't help you because we wont get paid". This is someone's life your talking about, but money talks, sickness walks.
Because of this, I am shocked that we are so concerned about birth control for women of all ages in this country. This is the one thing that will always be a big topic in every election from the local districts all the way to the presidency. The only person that should be concerned with this is the woman making that choice.
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